Healing & Belief Change Sessions
How can our subconscious sabotage us in our lives?
Core beliefs are the cumulative effect of life-long ‘programming’ and are drawn from past experiences, usually in early childhood and stored in our subconscious mind. They determine our daily actions, behaviours, decisions we make and the goals we have for our life.
In essence, our reality is a reflection of what we believe to true about ourselves and the world and we project these out into the world. The beauty of PSYCH-K® and Silent Counselling is that we can literally re-write any and all of beliefs that you’d like to change so the results you see in your life begin to change dramatically.
Do you recognize some of these common ‘limiting beliefs?’
“No matter what I do, it’s never good enough”
“I am not good at making decisions on my own”
“If people knew the real me, they wouldn’t like me”
“I can’t say what I feel, no one will listen to me”
“It’s not safe to ask others for help because I can’t trust anyone”
Holding limiting beliefs such as these at a subconscious level means that any change you are wanting make may be difficult and unsustainable. It also means that without it being your intention we often end up creating the very life we DON’T actually want.
I can support you in identifying and changing any subconscious belief that is contributing to a situation, condition, block or desire you have in your life. This allows you to remove any resistance or blocks to creating the change you desire in your life and to ensure that change remains in place.
This technique is an effective way to quickly and easily change outdated subconscious perceptions and beliefs that may sabotage your life goals. Your beliefs are the lens through which you see and interact with the world and, therefore, directly impact the life you experience. Bruce Lipton, the author of the best-selling book The Biology of Belief, recommends PsychK™ as the method of choice for 'rewriting your behavioural software.’ Recent research in psychology, neuroscience and psychotherapy has confirmed the positive effects of PsychK™ on the brain and the mind. PSYCH-K® helps release stress from the body and uncovers messages, beliefs and lessons that cause barriers in life, health issues, allergies, phobias and more. It goes beyond affirmations, willpower and positive thinking that most traditional self-help approaches adopt. PSYCH-K ® addresses the issue at the root cause - the underlying belief. PSYCH-K ® is based largely on whole-brain integration processes derived from years of brain research. It is a simple, direct, and non-invasive way to change self-limiting beliefs at the subconscious level of the mind, where nearly all behaviour originates.
What a PSYCK-K® process would look like
Areas where PSYCH-K® can be used (there are many more):
Stress management and perception of stress
Fear and anxiety
Chronic pain or fatigue syndrome
Food and weight issues
Fear of public speaking
Relationship challenges
Work and life stresses
Health and Wellbeing
Personal growth and development
Many physical health conditions
Re-Write Your Mind
Dr. Bruce Lipton
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Silent Counselling – Rapid Energy Release
It’s about safely releasing the emotional charge stuck in our body from past events, traumas, and difficult life situations without having to speak about it or relive it.
It works on the mind & body connection and helps to restore balance in the body/mind and activates the body’s own innate healing ability. Like blood flows through our veins, energy flows through our meridians. When there is a block in this flow, it causes us to be out of balance with life and could also potentially lead to dis-ease or chronic conditions within the body triggered in the present from past issues.
The body is home to our subconscious mind & nervous system, and it remembers everything we have experienced on a cellular level. Because of this it is important to get to the root of issues we are experiencing and to release them once and for all. When we can remember an event, without the emotional charge, true healing can happen, and we are able to move forward in our lives.
Silent Counselling uses muscle testing (biofeedback), breath work & acupressure points to release stagnant energy or emotional imprints in the body of traumatic or challenging events or situations you have faced in your lifetime. Removing these energy blockages restores flow and optimum health and well being.
Silent Counselling can help with many different issues such as but not limited to:
Panic Attacks
Grief and loss
Low mood
Rumination or persistent negative thinking
Chronic body aches & pains
Unable to move forward with goals in life
Relationships problems
Healing InSight Method – Working With The Chakras For Belief Change
This innovative and transformative system allows one to change unhelpful beliefs contained within the subconscious mind. The method is based on affirmations used jointly with individual chakra work and specific bodywork exercises, including kinesiology, qigong and whole-brain integration techniques. The beliefs are structured through the chakra systems and depict wherein certain unhealthy beliefs might take root in our body. Changing these unhealthy beliefs right at the source allows you to remove old blocks and patterns so that you can be open to the opportunity for REAL and LASTING change.
“The result is transformation and awakening to the inner truth of your being, supporting healing in the direction of your desires.”
– Nikki Gresham-Record